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YOU ARE INVITED! Upcoming Discernment Groups and an Overnight Retreat!

Writer's picture: Tracie TackettTracie Tackett

Thirteen women said, "Yes", to joining a Discernment Group six months ago! As we wrap up our last month and get ready to celebrate together, I wanted to share some things women have shared since starting the group.

  • "This group has taught me the power in pausing. I notice things that are going on inside of me so that I can discern. Then I begin to practice holy indifference, praying, silence and solitude."

  • "During the practice of solitude, I felt freedom. To explore, create, enjoy God. I feel like I am being invited to LOVE and accept where my family is and give them space to share and meet them where they are."

  • "Going on the solitude and silent retreat, I felt the Lord remind me that I don't have to be perfect to come to Him. One day I was praying and felt His presence in a powerful way. I felt less anxious and like He was sitting next to me."

  • "We are so consumed with information overload, when we learn and revisit some of these practices, it creates space in our lives to hear God and allow Him space to speak or just be with me. We forget the power in pausing and coming away from the distractions."

  • "I have learned it's ok to ask questions, be curious and invite God in."

I have watched God do some incredible things in each of these groups! When we make space for God and journey with others that hold space for us to discern and ask questions without judgment, we allow God to do what only He can do....transform us from the inside out.

I am excited to announce the next Discernment Groups will start in September! We meet once a month for two hours. If you would like to learn more or join a group or you have a few friends that you want to go through the Discernment Group together (no more than two-four people in a group, please reach out

You can learn more and sign up at click Discernment Group.

ARE YOU LONGING FOR A LONG RETREAT? Is God inviting you to come away?


Fall Overnight Retreat on October 11th-12th in Bagdad, KY at Cedarmore

One of my FAVORITE things to do is to gather people around my kitchen table.

Ladies, we are going to feast on the Living Bread and Living Water and be curious about what we bring to the Table and what Jesus has prepared for those that come to His Table! I can't wait!

Are you hungry for a deeper walk with Christ? Are you tired and need to just gather and sit at the table and feast? Are you lonely and longing for others to come alongside you in this crazy journey of life? Are you afraid to bring all of you to the table? Are you scared He might not welcome you? Are you at rock bottom and wondering where God is? Are you trying to discern a big decision and need time and space to listen to the Holy Spirit and be with Jesus?  Have you ever wondered if your ‘stuff’ is too much to bring to the table? Have you ever felt like when you come to the table, circumstances continue to feel hopeless and unchanging? Have you wanted to just come away and experience His love in a deeper way? Have you wondered what is truly at the Table? When we come away for a short time from our busy lives and the noise of the world, a shift happens in us. We have decided to make space in the quiet to be with God and allow Him to be with us.

If you said, “Yes”, to any of those questions, I have been praying that YOU would COME.

YOU ARE INVITED!! You have a seat at the table waiting with your name on it! Share this with your friends and family and come along. Space is limited.

Check out all the details and sign up here!

"He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love." Song of Solomon 2:4

Grace upon Grace,

Tracie Tackett

Spiritual Director

If you are interested in one-on-one spiritual direction, I would love to schedule a time for you to learn more. Reach out at

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