(I will explain this picture a little later.)
He has risen! (Matthew 28:6)
He has conquered death! (1 Corinthians 15:57)
By His wounds, we are healed! (1 Peter 2:24)
Shortly after he had risen, he shares a difficult invitation. A gift, a promise, but they would have to wait. Take a few minutes to read the scriptures below slowly and invite the Holy Spirit to join you and give you wisdom and discernment in what He might want you to notice.
"After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command:
“Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” Acts 3:1-5
FORTY DAYS??? I can envision the disciples saying. "We just waited for you to come out of the tomb and conquer death. Now, we are invited to wait for forty days on the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Since the beginning of time, waiting has been a part of God's plan. I am not sure about you but I have a hard time waiting. Waiting on anything, fill in the blank....I don't enjoy waiting. It feels unsettled. I want to take control. It feels uncomfortable. I have never taken a class on waiting or been taught what to do in the waiting, but Scripture has a great deal to say about waiting! As I look back, there is a history of God's people being invited to wait.
Here are a few examples.
God didn't create the world in one day.
In the garden of Eden to the fall of man, a promise was given that wouldn't happen for another few thousand years.
Abraham and Sarah had to wait.
Moses waiting day after day to see the promised land.
Elijah waited for it to rain.
Mary waited for her promised Savior to be born.
Paul waited to go to Macedonia.
Jesus waited on the cross for hours as He died the most gruesome death.
His disciples waited for three days to see the wounds on Jesus' body and see Him breathing, and conquering death by the very Spirit of God!
Jesus promises to come back and take us to the new heaven and new earth. In the meantime, we wait.
Today, more than ever, I am curious about our impatience in waiting and what God wants to do in and through us, God's people, as we wait.
I am curious if this is the time of the deepest heart work. I wonder if there is something God would like to invite us into as we wait. What if this time of waiting is the hardest, yet most fruitful in our spiritual growth journey? What is this time when the Gardener wants to go with us 'down into our roots', our inner life, and bear a different kind of fruit to share with the world. What if this time is where we discover who God created us to be and what our 'sealed orders' are? (I stole that term from Pete Scazzero.) What if we discover more about God that transforms us and our story?
What is God doing in all the waiting?
Is there a BIGGER purpose and invitation in the waiting?
What emotions come up in you when you are waiting on something?
Where do you see and find God in your waiting?
Our beliefs about God begin to surface when we are waiting on something. Maybe you have never thought about that. I would love for us to take a few minutes to reflect on that question.
Do I believe God is good....all the time? Do I believe God is loving in this very difficult situation? Do I believe God is WITH me in my deepest pain? Do I trust God?
Let's PAUSE and go back and spend a few minutes reflecting on these questions.
Take a few minutes to journal or reflect on anything that you want to say to Jesus. Be completely honest. Come as you are. Don't hold anything back. Let Jesus meet you right where you are today. Maybe you want to spend a few days reflecting on these questions. Go at your own pace. Spend some time in PRAYER listening, being silent, maybe some solitude. Then voicing your heart to God who loves you and meets you in prayer. Have a conversation with Him.
I have always been so fascinated with the life cycle of a butterfly. I see a brilliant Creator behind His creation! Watch this fun, short video a few times and notice what God is doing as He places a thick protection around the caterpillar in the chrysalis and what beauty emerges after the waiting, being, staying, resting, and wrestling.
Could God be doing something beautiful and transforming in the midst of our suffering and darkest pain?
I believe He is. He has proven this promise over the course of history and in His creation....there is purpose and a plan in the waiting....we are BECOMING more like Him!
"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you."
Where is He inviting you to FOLLOW today?
I am praying that God will meet you in a very personal way today. Remember, you are deeply loved, completely seen, fully known by God. You are His Delight and Joy!
A great song for today....SAME GOD....
A few updates...
Reach out if you would like someone to companion you in your journey of waiting! Spiritual Direction has been one of the most transformative practices in my life and I now offer that space to others who are longing to go deeper in their spiritual journey. Reach out at holypause.com if you want to learn more. I would love to schedule a free consultation with you.
If you or your team are longing for a day to retreat and come away to be with Jesus. Feel free to reach out and learn more about a day away or I can come and do a retreat for your team.
Discernment Groups are going great! Openings in the fall to join a Discernment Group.
Grace upon Grace,
Tracie Tackett