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Treasuring and Pondering

Writer's picture: Tracie TackettTracie Tackett

Happy New Year, friends! It is 2025! I wonder if you are like me and you are looking back over the past week remembering the gatherings, conversations, busyness, noise, and the wonder and awe of a little baby being born leaving His throne to come down and be with us. Oh, how He would show us Love the world had never known! 

I wonder if you are taking some time to reflect on the past year. I think there is something beautiful yet hard about looking back. Let’s be honest, not everything went perfectly over Christmas or over this past year. I know it didn't for me. I won’t mention all the things that didn’t go as planned. I am sure you had some similar moments.

When we pause and look back, we remember there were moments of pure joy and times that it felt like heaven and earth collided. There were other moments that were disappointing, challenging, and messy.  

At times, it is hard for me to pause and reflect. I am guilty of moving from one thing to the next and rarely stopping to ponder or treasure. Guilty of judging the moment or experience. Should’ve or could’ve thoughts. Or running and hiding when things get messy or those tears that fall when they don’t go as planned. Interruptions can be challenging. I am always thinking about what I would change, judging it, running from it, or my long to do list.

Pausing and reflecting can truly bring change. Why is pausing to reflect such a transformational spiritual practice? “We don’t change from an experience. We change when we reflect on an experience.” Trevor Hudson. Hudson knew what Mary, Jesus’ mother, knew. There is great spiritual transformation in treasuring and pondering! We make time and space for the Holy Spirit to do the heart work that He longs to do in us. It is about opening ourselves to becoming more like Him. Isn't that what our spiritual journey is about?!

Take a few minutes to Pause. Simply sit in the quiet and remember this past year. Try not to judge the experiences that come to mind. Simply let them come.

The spiritual practice of pausing and remembering is something Mary teaches us after the birth of her Son. The bible says. “Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19 

I wonder what she was pondering. The Bible doesn’t tell us. She had been through so much and I can't imagine all the things she was treasuring and pondering.

“She doesn't take the moment for granted, at least: she appreciates the importance of these events. As the shepherds explain their angelic encounter, she "treasures" and "ponders" what is happening.  These ideas are expressed using the Greek root words suntereo and sumballo. The first implies protection and remembrance. The second implies preserving and observing. Mary makes a deliberate effort to remember all that she sees.” (Bible Reference commentary) God knows we easily forget. Remember, He placed a rainbow in the sky for us to ALWAYS remember His promises.

Suntereo implies protection and remembrance. 

Sumballo implies preserving and observing. 

Mary paused to 'suntereo' and 'sumballo'. Bible Ref mentions that she appreciates the importance of the events. These events were hard and messy. As Mary looked back, there were some very difficult events that led up to the birth of her Son. She had an angel appear to her that would share a message that would be really easy to not believe yet she wrote a song and chose to believe. A decree was issued and everyone had to be registered so her and her husband to be, she a pregnant teenager, would travel through cities to reach Bethlehem and deliver this Holy Child in a lowly manger. 

Her first Christmas was anything but a well decorated home, food perfectly cooked, Christmas PJ’s for the Fam, presents with beautifully tied bows under the tree. She would find her Joy in a small little baby being born in the most difficult of circumstances. Even Mary would take a moment to pause. 

Could this be our invitation after all the Christmas celebration is over?  Could this be our invitation for reflecting on 2024? Maybe you enjoy painting, drawing, walking or sitting in your favorite coffee shop. Do whatever it is that helps you feel connected to God. It is different for all of us.  I invite you to take a few minutes and go through the spiritual practice of 'Treasuring and Pondering 2024'!

I would love to hear from you if this practice was meaningful to you. Email me at

Happy New Year, friends! As Holy Pause continues to grow, I invite you to be a part! What is your best yes in 2025?

I invite you to pray and consider coming and inviting a friend to the first Retreat in 2025. The first retreat is on January 9th (online) or January 10th in person. It is the Learning to Listen Well Retreat! Check out all the details at Register today!!!

TWO new Discernment Groups are starting at the end of January. Check out all the information at There are still spots available in both groups. I hope you will join us.

Maybe you would love to have a space to ask questions and explore your faith. Reach out for a free consultation to chat more about Spiritual Direction. I would love to chat with you.

The most read Holy Pause blog post in 2024 was ’What is God doing in my waiting?’ I know all of us are in some sort of waiting. Maybe this will resonate with you or encourage you. Maybe you want to share this with a friend who is in a waiting season. Thanks for taking time to read and share with others. That means a lot. I pray each blog post encourages you in your journey with Christ and others! I am encouraged that this one resonated with you!

Happy 2025!!


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