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Jesus is leading the way!

Writer's picture: Tracie TackettTracie Tackett

Welcome to a Holy Pause! Time to pause and notice God's holy invitations.

I wanted to share some exciting opportunities coming up.

  • Holy Pause Retreat coming up on Saturday, March 23rd from 9am-3pm. Are you longing for time to simply BE with Jesus? Do you need time away to hear His voice? I invite you to check out all the details at Reach out with any questions.

  • Four spots left for Discernment Groups! Launching groups this month to ask questions, notice God at work in and around you and hear His invitations. 2 spots on the third Tuesday of the month from 8:30am-10:00am group. 2 spots on the fourth Saturday of the month from 9:00am-10:30am. Reach out to learn more and join!! or We would love to have you!

  • Would you like to share your story and have someone walk with you in your journey to a deeper walk with Christ? I offer one on one time to do just that! Reach out to learn more or schedule a free hour to share your story and what God might be inviting you into.

I have been writing on fear and anxiety. This week continues with another invitation to follow Jesus in our fear and anxiety. The Scriptures tell us He was leading the Way and they were still astonished and afraid. Can you relate? I sure can. I am grateful that I am invited to follow Jesus even when I am afraid. Lean in to these scriptures and reflections this week.

Jesus Predicts His Death a Third Time

Mark 10:32-34 NIV

They were on their way up to Jerusalem, with Jesus leading the way, and the disciples were astonished, while those who followed were afraid.

 Again he took the Twelve aside and told them what was going to happen to him. 

 “We are going up to Jerusalem,” he said, “and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. 

They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles,  who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him. 

Three days later he will rise.”

Holy Pause

Pause…simply be with Jesus. Breathe. Step into the scripture.  What stands out to you? What do you notice? Where do you feel God’s presence? Circle or highlight what resonates with you. Are you ‘astonished and afraid’ sometimes? As you sit and listen to Jesus predict His death, what emotions come up in you? 


Pray…Come as you are.  Listen in the silence. Step into the scripture again.  Is there something He wants to say to you? Is following Jesus hard when we are afraid? Is there comfort in following? Am I resisting in any way? What might you pray today as you sit with Jesus? Offer a prayer of gratitude.  


Follow…What are my invitations today? Where is Jesus inviting me to follow Him? Receive His love today. Receive His forgiveness today. 


Can I pray for you? Reach out with any prayer needs this coming week. Send them to I would be honored to join you in prayer.

Grace upon Grace,

Tracie Tackett

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