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God sees you.

Writer's picture: Tracie TackettTracie Tackett

Updated: May 11, 2024

As we prepare to celebrate Mother's Day, I want to be very sensitive sharing on the topic of motherhood. I recognize that leading up to Sunday is very difficult for many women. Any yet, others, it is a day to celebrate or maybe it is both for you.

If I could look you in the eyes and speak a very powerful truth....I would hold your sweet face, give you a hug and whisper.....

God sees you. God sees you. God sees you.

Every single one of you. Wherever you find yourself today, I pray that you know, trust and convince yourself that you are fully seen, deeply loved, and completely known by the ONE who created you. (and yes, sometimes, we have to convince ourselves this is true!)

Let's PAUSE for a few minutes....pausing is a powerful practice. We can not change what we don't give prayerful reflective attention to. "Paying attention to what you're paying attention is transforming." (Curt Thompson shares in his book, 'The Anatomy of the Soul.') What are you paying attention to today? Pause for a few moments. What emotions do you have today around Mother's Day?

Whatever emotions you have....God sees you. Excitement, joy, dread, hurt, grief, betrayed, forgotten, peace, gratitude, etc.

I know all ages of women are reading this post. Thank you. I am grateful.

Can you relate to any of the following seasons that we as women find ourselves no matter your age? Those who have lost their mothers. Those who don't know who their first mom is. Those who had wonderful mothers and those that didn't. Those who want to be a mom. Those who can't have biological children. Those that are fostering and those that have adopted. Those that have lost their children. Those raising toddlers or teenagers. Those who are walking with their aging mothers. Those that can celebrate motherhood. Those that are estranged from their children. Those who have children walking through addiction. Those that wait beside the bedside of their children, praying for healing. Those who have children who have walked away from their faith. Those who have children that leave the nest. Those who have the best mom in all the world. If I have forgotten anyone, I do apologize. I don't know where you find yourself in this list. I find myself in a few different scenarios.

God sees you. There have been times that I felt He didn't see me or must have forgotten about me but a truth is something we believe and can stand on when nothing makes sense. A truth is something that can guide us and lead us when our flesh wants us to believe that no one sees us especially God. Sometimes we feel like we are hanging on by a thread and reaching out to someone who will walk with you and listen is a game-changer along with allowing truth to penetrate those areas where unbelief raises its head. Others and Scripture remind us that GOD IS TRUTH and HIS TRUTH reminds me...HE sees me . That is something I won't let go of. I pray you won't either. Jesus came to show us the what God is like. He came to say, "I see you!!"

The Israelites felt God hadn't forgotten them many times throughout Scripture. Isaiah was sent to remind them of truth.

"O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou pass through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walk through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee"

(Isaiah 43:1–2).

Reread those verses. What stands out to you? Circle a word or phrase that seems to resonate. Is God inviting you to a deeper journey? Let's invite God's presence in to all our heart holds as we approach Mother's Day. PRAY for a few minutes. Invite the LORD into your day, your emotions, your plans, your celebrations and sadness and joy. What do you want to say to me, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in the word or phrase? Speak, your servant is listening. Do you want to bring healing in an area of my life? Jesus, what do you want to say to me? I will wait, listen and be reminded that you see me, LORD.

Follow....God promises to be with us and walk with us through everything. His Holy Spirit lives in us and is our Helper and Comforter. Is He inviting you to walk with Him in some areas that are hard or seem overwhelming? Is He inviting you to release circumstances to Him and rest in His presence?

Women, GOD SEES YOU!!!! As we approach Sunday, I want to honor you mommas that are raising children and those that are crying out to have children of their own. I want to honor those mommas that have poured their heart and soul in to raising their children all for the Glory of God. Job well done! I want to honor every one reading this post. You have been redeemed, called by name, and you belong to the God who sees you!!

Lord, may each woman reading this post, feel your presence and remember that you see her. Happy Mother's Day!!! Please share this with someone who needs to be reminded today that GOD SEES THEM!

Take a few minutes to listen to this beautiful song. I am praying this over you today!

The God Who Sees [Lyric Video] (Rachel Barrentine, Feat. Josh Wright)

Upcoming retreats and an update on Discernment Groups!

Mark your calendars...You are invited to.....

Summer One Day Retreat in Wilmore, KY on July 13th from 9-5! You won't want to miss it!! We will spend some time in the quiet, reflection and community. This will be a day to remember, God Sees You as He saw the woman at the well. Check out all the details and register at

Fall Overnight Retreat at Cedarmore in Louisville, KY, on Friday, October 11-Saturday, October 12th!! More details to come! Come to the Table is the theme of the retreat.

Discernment Groups are on month three and God is doing some amazing things. Each group is given time to reflect on the practice we are learning and spend time in community sharing stories and encountering God in new ways! I will launch new groups this fall so stay tuned and pray about joining one this fall!

If you are wanting someone to walk with you through a difficult time, a discerning time, a season of feeling stuck, reach out and I would love to chat with you. My greatest privilege is come alongside of others in their journey and noticing God's gentle whispers and invitations.

Grace upon grace,

Tracie Tackett

Spiritual Director

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