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Giving Thanks in All Things

What if we could learn to give thanks in all things? Sounds good but it also sounds really hard at times. It may take us a lifetime, but it changes everything! These few verses tucked in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 seem to let us in on a little secret....God's will. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." God knows when we turn our gaze to Him, that He becomes our greatest Joy and Delight. He never intended for this life to fulfill us. HE wants first place and when our gaze turns to Him, we can give thanks in all things! Sometimes, this is the hardest thing we can do. Learning means practicing (not perfection) and looking back over time and seeing how Christ has transformed us as we continue to practice these verses. I love this poem by Ted Loder. I wanted to share it with you as an encouragement this Thanksgiving. It is from one of my favorite poetry books, "Guerrillas of Grace, Prayers for the Battle" by Ted Loder.

Thank You for Each Moment by Ted Loder

Lord, thank you for each moment,

for the blue-sky moment,

the softening earth, the freshening wind,

for the sap flowing,

the bird nesting, the yellow bush,

for my full heart

and the joy rising in me.

Soften me

to receive whatever comes as a gift

and to praise you in it.

Lord, thank you for each moment,

for the twilight moment,

the pause, the good tired,

for the quiet reflection,

the slowing down, the mysterious sunset,

for my contented heart

and the wisdom growing inside me.

Gentle me

to feel whatever comes as a gift

and to praise you in it.

Lord, thank you for each moment,

for the midnight moment,

the loneliness, the fretful wondering,

for the watchful stars,

the long ache, the sleepless wait,

for my restless heart

and the hope straining in me.

Focus me

to see whatever comes as a gift

and to praise you in it.

Lord, thank you for each moment,

for the high- noon moment,

the job, the necessary routine,

for the sweaty struggle,

the high-risk challenge, the impulse to change,

for my fierce heart

and the courage gathering in me.

Ground me

to wrestle with whatever comes as a gift

and to praise you in it.

Lord, thank you for each moment,

For the holy moment,

The music, the child’s eyes,

For the sunlight,

The touch, the tears,

For the trembling pleasure,

The unutterable beauty, the breathing,

For the life and love and heart in me, aware,

And the wholeness spreading in me.

Touch me

through whatever comes as a gift

that I may be graceful

and praise you in it all.

Lord, thank you for each moment,

for the shared moment,

the listening, the unguarded word,

for the fragile openness,

the ready smile, the accepted difference,

for my passionate heart

and the trust rooting in me.

Stretch me

to grow with whatever comes as a gift

and to praise you in it.

Lord, thank you for each moment,

for the charged moment,

the confrontation, the accurate demand,

for the heard decision,

the breathless gamble, the unexpected growing,

for my intense heart

and the truth expanding in me.

Excite me

to be open to whatever comes as a gift

and to praise you in it.

I invite you to watch this week's You Tube @holypausespiritualdirection on Giving Thanks in All Things!

If you want to learn more about spiritual direction or retreats, please feel free to email me

May God bless you as you gather those you love around the table! May all who come, come as they are. He greets us with open arms and invites us to feast from the greatest feast of all....His Kingdom of Redemption! It last forever!

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