Would you like to be a part of a small group that gives you time and space to be yourself, ask questions, notice God at work in you and around you, and hear His invitations?
Time to Pause, Pray and Follow. Time to Discern.
Since the beginning of time, God has been inviting us to be people of discernment. “Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say.” Isaiah 28:23 NIV. Paying attention requires time, reflection and a pause. Hearing God’s gentle whispers can change a decision, an attitude, a dream, a heart, a relationship. My heart is to create spaces for others to hear God’s invitations and discern the next step so that they can be who God made them to be! When we create a holy pause with others, it brings beautiful clarity and a deeper journey with Christ. I invite you to pray about joining a Discernment Group. It might be your ‘best yes’ this year.
I am excited to announce Discernment Groups that will start in September 2024! We will meet in person or on zoom, whatever is best for your group.
Purpose: To create space to learn practices of Discernment.
Schedule: I will introduce a discernment practice each month and then we will practice what we have learned together on discernment. First thirty minutes I will teach a discernment practice and the last hour will be for us to practice together what we have learned. This space is for sharing as we learn more about discernment.
Week 1-Practice of Pausing
Week 2-Practice of Holy Indifference
Week 3-Practice of Prayer
Week 4-Practice of Silence
Week 5-Practice of Solitude
Week 6-Practice of Following
When: Once a month for an hour and half; 6 month commitment to the group (September-February)
Group Size: 2-4 women in a group. You can create your group with 2-4 friends or join a group.
Where: In-Person or Zoom (what works best for the group)
Time:Your group will decide on the best time for those in your group.
Cost: Registration is $150.00 or $25.00 each month. Six month commitment. Includes materials.
To register for a group, click below...
I would love for you to be a part of a group! To learn more, feel free to reach out at tracietack@gmail.com.