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She gently reached for my hand and whispered, "Come. Play." She led me to the sidewalk where she plopped down and waited for me to plop down beside her. The sidewalk was full of bubbles and buckets. She whispered, "Sit."

Come. Play. Sit. This was my invitation in that moment. This holy moment.

As I sat down beside her. She guided me along to show me how to blow, catch, watch, pop, laugh and observe each bubble. Nothing more and nothing less.

I noticed her curiosity. She was inviting me to be curious with her.

Jesus longed for us to be like the little children. From the time their eyes open in the morning, they are curious about everything.

I wonder if we lose our sense of curiosity the older we get? Through life experiences, we begin to have an inner narrative. This story inside of us. We can begin to attach judgments to that narrative.

It might go like this....

"I need to pray more therefore, I am not good at prayer."

"I failed therefore, I am a failure."

"My feelings got hurt therefore, I am too sensitive."

"I didn't get invited therefore, I am not enough for them."

"I didn't get the job therefore, I am not worthy."

What is your inner narrative saying?

"I _____________________________therefore, I am__________________________."

Could we turn those thoughts into curiosity and then to a new narrative? When we leave those thoughts in the quiet and the dark, we can live in shame. When we expose them with curiosity, we can invite Jesus into these thoughts. Could we be curious about our feelings and emotions? Curiosity is the open door to freedom. They lose their attachments and we can bring them into the safest space with Jesus. As Christ followers, we have been invited to a new way of being and He is creating something new in us! My old story isn't my new story. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV.

We need others to walk with us in our curiosity. A spiritual director is trained in spiritual formation and walking with others in their curiosity. Feel free to reach out if you would like to learn more about spiritual direction or join me every Wednesday on You Tube for a Holy Pause.

Our Lord, teacher and lover of our souls, reminds us He is inviting us to freedom.


I come

Just as I am

with all my





It is here

I meet Grace.

I open to curiosity

not judgment.

It is here I meet


a person,


who receives me just as I am.

I slowly open

to curiosity.

It is here

I meet


"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."

2 Corinthians 3:17

Holy Pause Reflection

  1. Go to a quiet place. Maybe it is a walk in nature, your favorite chair, back porch, a hike. Close your eyes. Breathe. In and out five times. What do you notice? In your body and your mind?

  2. Journal your thoughts. Remember Jesus is sitting or walking with you. He is WITH you without condemnation. Allow your thoughts to come out on paper without judgment.

  3. Just be. Breathe. God's presence is love and peace and freedom. Do you have any resistance? Talk to Jesus about your feelings and what you are noticing.

  4. What is God saying? Hearing His voice takes time. Just remember His presence is with you.

  5. Sit with this verse for a few minutes or days. What word, or phrase are you drawn to? "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV.

  6. What is your invitation today? May you hear His tender and loving voice and feel His presence.

Reach out to learn more about spiritual direction or a retreat for you or your group. I would love to chat with you!

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